Today is Monday (September 16) 12 Rabiul Awal of Hijri. One of the most important days in the history of the world. The greatest great man of the world, the emancipator of the world’s humanity, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to earth on this day in the year 570. He left this world at the age of 63 on the exact date of 632 AD, 11 Hijri year after completing the duties of Risalat. That is why this day is very holy and glorious for the Muslim Ummah.
In Bangladesh, the day is officially celebrated as the holy Eid Miladunnabi (pbuh). President Md. Sahabuddin gave a speech on this occasion. In the speech he said, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was rock solid on the question of truth and justice; But he was as simple as water in forgiveness and kindness. His every word and deed is exemplary for mankind to follow.
The chief adviser of the interim government gave the message. Muhammad Yunus too. In his speech, the Chief Adviser said, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) incarnated in every aspect of human life, in every role, and left indelible teachings and ideals for the world humanity, which will guide the people of every age and century as a guide to liberation.
Meanwhile, Acting Chairman of BNP Tariq Rahman said in a statement that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a shining role model for mankind. He suffered immense suffering and fulfilled the great responsibility of establishing Tawheed, the message of the greatest book, Al-Qur’an, which was revealed to him. He ensured truth and justice by eradicating the era of Jahiliyyah in Ayyam. The ideals of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in serving the neglected, oppressed, deprived and suffering people in the society, showing respect for each other, tolerance, kindness and forgiveness, responsibility towards children and establishing the dignity of women are unmatched and therefore he is recognized as the greatest human being of all time.
In a separate message, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, we pray to Allah that we may all follow the work and ideals of the Holy Prophet in our lives and develop ourselves as true believing Muslims.
Various political parties and organizations have undertaken various programs to observe the day with religious solemnity and due dignity. These programs include discussion on the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Milad and Dua Mahfil.
On this occasion, Islamic Foundation has organized colorful programs including Islamic book fair. Apart from this, programs will be broadcasted in newspapers and television. A holiday has been declared in all public and private offices today. Milad and doa mahfil will be held today at 11 o’clock at Nayapaltan central office on the occasion of holy Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH) on the initiative of BNP.
Importance and Significance of Miladunnabi in Eid: The day is named after three words Eid, Milad and Nabi. Eid means festival, Milad means birthday and Nabi means divine messenger. Eid Miladunnabi means celebration of Prophet’s birthday. 12 Rabiul Awal is also celebrated as the birth and death day of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The death of any person in the world creates a great void for his family, society and country; But the death of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) did not create any void in human society and civilization at any stage. He was sent as a mercy of God to the whole world. At one time the whole of Arabia was plunged into darkness. They forgot Allah. Then people indulged in quarrels and quarrels and worshiped idols. Which is also called Jahiliyyah in Ayyam. Almighty Allah sent Rasulullah (PBUH) to the world to show them the way of light with the liberation of mankind from this dark age.
After attaining prophethood at the age of forty, Muhammad (pbuh) has been preaching the noble ideals of Islam for 23 years through hard work and facing hundreds of obstacles. He brought the message of eternal liberation, peace, progress and overall welfare of mankind by breaking the chains of all kinds of superstition, injustice, injustice, wickedness and slavery. He called the people of the world to come to the path of liberation and peace, ended the dark ages and lit the light of truth. Peace and humanity’s liberation can come only in the way shown by him in the present turbulent world. Almighty Allah said about the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) in verse 107 of Surah Al Ambia of the Holy Qur’an, I have sent you as a mercy to the whole world.
Program of Islamic Foundation: Meanwhile, on the occasion of Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH) celebration, Islamic Foundation has organized a party-long program. After Maghrib today, Advisor to the Ministry of Religion AFM Khalid Hossain will inaugurate the program as the chief guest at the east gate of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque.
Programs include Waj, Milad and Dua Mahfil, Seminars, Islamic Cultural Competition, Arabic Khutba Writing Competition, Kirat Mahfil, Hamad-Nath, Poetry Recitation Mahfil, Islamic Calligraphy Exhibition, Islamic Book Fair, Special Memorabilia and Publications. On this occasion, various programs have been organized in all divisional and district offices of the Islamic Foundation, 54 Islamic missions and eight Imam training academies, according to a notification.